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He also serves several other ministerial positions, including Minister in Charge of Industrial Competitiveness; Minister for Economic Cooperation with Russia; and Minister in Charge of the Response to the Economic Impact Caused by the Nuclear Accident. Immediately prior to his current assignments, Mr. Kajiyama served as the Senior Director for the Committee on Economy, Trade and Industry at the House of Representatives, the Lower House of Japan’s National Diet. Previous ministerial experience includes terms as Minister of State for Regional Revitalization and Regulatory Reform, and State Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. 海外閣僚等要人講演 Dr Fatih BIROL Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA) Dr Fatih Birol has served as Executive Director of the IEA since September 2015. Under his leadership, the IEA has undertaken its first comprehensive modernisation programme since its creation in 1974. This effort focuses on three pillars: opening the doors of the IEA to include major emerging countries, broadening the IEA’s security mandate to natural gas and electricity as well as oil, and making the IEA the global hub for clean energy technologies and energy efficiency. The Hon Angus Taylor MP Minister of Energy and Emissions Reduction, Australia Angus entered politics in 2013. Building on his background in economics, Angus was appointed to parliamentary committees on employment, trade and investment, and public accounts. Angus was reappointed as the Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction in May 2019, and has held portfolio responsibilities in Cities and Digital Transformation (2016), Law Enforcement and Cyber Security (2017) and Energy (2018). With a passion for cutting edge technology and the benefits for citizens of the digital age, Angus authored an essay The Promise of Digital Government which was published by the Menzies Research Centre in 2016. Prior to entering parliament in 2013, Angus has also served as Director at Port Jackson Partners and a partner at global consulting firm McKinsey & Co. Angus has a Bachelor of Economics (First Class Honours and University Medal) and a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) from the University of Sydney. He also has a Master of Philosophy in Economics from Oxford, where he studied as a Rhodes Scholar. His thesis was in the field of competition policy. In his private capacity Angus has founded or advised a number of small, fast growing start-up businesses, particularly in the agriculture sector. Ms. Tina Bru Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Norway Tina Bru was appointed Minister for Petroleum and Energy in January 2020. Prior to this she was a Member of Parliament for the Conservative Party, representing Rogaland county in south-western Norway. In Parliament, she was a member of the Standing Committee on Energy and the Environment. Before being elected to Parliament, she was a member of Rogaland County Council from 2011-2013, and of Stavanger City Council from 2007-2012. She has a BA in change management from BI Norwegian Business School in Stavanger. Mr. Steven WINBERG Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy, United States Department of Energy, United States Steven Winberg is the Assistant Secretary for Fossil Energy at the United States Department of Energy. He is responsible for the management and oversight of research and development programs encompassing coal, oil, and natural gas, as well as the United States strategic petroleum reserves. Mr. Winberg has 39 years of experience in the energy industry. He began his career at the engineering firm Foster Wheeler as an engineer on coal-fired utility boilers. From there, he spent 14 years with Consolidated Natural Gas working in a variety of positions before becoming Vice President for CONSOL Energy Research & Development. Immediately prior to coming to the Department of Energy, Mr. Winberg served as a Senior Program Manager at Battelle Memorial Institute Mr. Fareed ALASALY Senior Advisor to HRH the Saudi Energy Minister, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Fareed ALASALY is a Senior Advisor to His Royal Highness the Saudi Minister of Energy. Fareed is Saudi Arabia lead on Energy issues on the G20 front since 2010. Currently, he is the Chairman of G20 Energy Sustainably Working Group under the Saudi G20 Presidency 2020. Fareed served as an International Policies Senior advisor at the Ministry of Energy and Saudi Aramco. Fareed has over than 30 years of experience in various aspects including: finance, investment portfolio management, industrial local development, planning operations and logistics of the oil industry, as well as materials supply management. Fareed is been engaged with number of major International Organizations, among them: 1. The World Trade Organization (WTO) since 2003 during the Kingdoms accession to WTO in 2005 and continues to be engaged in trade matters since then including GCC Free Trade Agreements Negotiations; 2. Climate change since 1997 including the institution of Carbon Capture and Storage Technology (CCS) in 2005; and 3. Carbon Sequestration and Storage Forum (CSLF). Fareed serves as: 1. Chairman of G20 Energy Sustainably Working Group - Saudi G20 Presidency 2020. 2. Board Member of the Saudi General Authority for Foreign Trade; 3. GCC Energy and Trade Committee Chairman; 4. Member of the Saudi Designated National Authority for clean development mechanism; and 5. Former Executive Board Member of Clean Development Mechanism for Kyoto Protocol. Fareed is a graduate from Saudi Arabian King AbdulAziz University with a Bachelor degree in Economics and Business Administration. Fareed is a Master Degree graduate from Saudi Arabian King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. Mr. EJIMA Kiyoshi State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan Member, House of Councillors (Elected 2013 and 2016, Yamaguchi Prefecture) Born: April 2, 1957, Tokyo Party Affiliation: Liberal Democratic Party and Voice of The People Education: 1980 University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering1982University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering Career: 1982 Engineer, Chiyoda Corporation (plant engineering and construction firm) 1990 Lecturer, University of East Asia part-time lecturer, National Fisheries University 1995 Mayor, Shimonoseki City, Yamaguchi Prefecture (4 consecutive terms) 2010 Visiting Professor, Kurashiki University of Science and The Arts 2013 Elected to the House of Councillors (Government) 2015 Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (LDP) 2016 Director, First Cabinet Division, LDP 2017 Director, Fisheries Division, LDP(HC) 2018 Chairman, Special Committee on Reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake, HC 2019 Chairman, Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the House of Councillors Deputy Chairperson, Research Commission on Fishery Policies, Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Secretary-General, Japan-Nigeria Parliamentary Friendship League Current Responsibilities: State Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry The director-general of the local nuclear emergency response headquarters Mr. YUZAKI Hidehiko Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture, Japan Career: April 1990 Ministry of International Trade and Industry March 2000 Founder and Representative Director, ACCA Networks Co., Ltd. December 2000 Executive Vice President & Representative Director, ACCA Networks Co., Ltd. November 29, 2009 Governor of Hiroshima Prefecture Education: March 1990 Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Faculty of Law June 1995 Stanford University, Master of Business Administration Dr. Djoko SANTOSO Head of Center for CO2 and Gas Flared Utilization, Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia Dr. Djoko Santoso serve as a Professor in Exploration Geophysics, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB). He is a Head of Center for CO2 and Flared Gas Utilization, ITB, and also Advisor to National Center of Excellence for CCS/CCUS and ZRF. He was the Rector of Institute Technology Bandung (2005-2010) and also former Rector of University of Indonesia (2012-2013). He was the Director General of Higher Education (DGHE), Ministry of Education and Culture (2010-2014). He has some experience as a Private Consultant to some National and International Oil and Gas Companies and Engineering Firm. He is a member of some professional international and national organization such as Active Member SEG-US, Active Member AAPG-US, Life Member of SEAGS, Indonesian Association of Geologist, Geophysical Society of Indonesia (the President on 2006-2008), Indonesian Institute of Engineer (Chairman of Earth and Energy Engineering Chamber). Some award/recognition received are “Indonesia Development Medal”, “Life Member of Geophysical society of Indonesia”, “AIT (Thailand) Hall of Fame, Honorary Fellow of Asean Federation of Engineer, and Ph.D. in Engineering (Honorary) from National United University, Taiwan, “Life Achievement Award” from Geophysical Society of Indonesia, and “The Order of Rising Sun with Golden Ray and the Neck Ribbon” from the Government of Japan. Prof. NISHIMURA Hidetoshi President of ERIA Graduated from the Faculty of Law, the University of Tokyo and obtained a Master&#39;s Degree in International Development and Economics from Yale University. Joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry in 1976. Has assumed numerous positions, including Representative of the Asia-Pacific Region of the Japan Overseas Development Corporation, Director of the Southeast Asia and Pacific Division of the Trade Policy Bureau, Vice Governor for International Affairs of Ehime Prefecture, Director-General of the Business Support Department of the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, Executive Managing Director of the Japan-China Economic Association, and President of the Japan-China Northeast Development Association. Assumed position of ERIA Executive Director in June 2008 and subsequently was appointed as ERIA’s first President in June 2015, and was reappointed as President of ERIA by the Governing Board for a third five-year term in June 2018. Visiting Professor of Waseda University (Japan), Darma Persada University (Indonesia), Honorary Professor of Guangxi University (China), and Fellow of Musashino Institute for Global Affairs, Musashino University (Japan). Dr. KOBAYASHI Yoshimitsu Chairperson, Carbon Recycling Fund Institute (Chairperson, Director of the Board, Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings Corporation), Japan Kobayashi’s career started at Mitsubishi Chemical Industries (current Mitsubishi Chemical) in 1974. After managing optical media business, he led Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings as CEO from 2007 for eight years and has currently been Chairperson since 2015. Kobayashi assumed several key roles to lead the Japanese economy. He was Chairman of Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives) (2015-19). Also, he served as Chairman of Japan Petrochemical Industry Association (2012-14), Chairman of Japan Chemical Industry Association (2014-16) and Chairman of Council on Competitiveness-Nippon (2015-18). He has currently assumed Chairman of Carbon Recycle Fund (Aug 2019-), President of the Chemical Society of Japan (May 2020-) and President of the Engineering Academy of Japan (Jun 2020-). Kobayashi has taken various governmental positions too. He served as a member of Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy (2013-14), Council for Industrial Competitiveness (2014-16) and Intellectual Property Strategy Headquarters (2015-19). He has currently been a member of Council for Advancing Structural Reform (2016-) and a member of the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation (2018-). Also, he has served as Chair of the Council for Promotion of Regulatory Reform (Oct 2019-). Kobayashi assumed Outside Director in Tokyo Electric Power Company and Japan Display (2012-2015). He has currently served in Toshiba Corporation (2015-) and Mizuho Financial Group (2020-). Kobayashi received his Ph.D in radiation physics in the University of Tokyo in 1975. He also studied in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1972 and the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa in 1973. [第2部]専門家パネルディスカッション [テーマ1]カーボンリサイクルによるゼロエミッション化の追求 Moderator Mr. TOYODA Masakazu Chairperson & CEO, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ) Masakazu Toyoda has been Chairman and CEO since 2010 at the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ). He also serves as an international advisor to a number of institutions such as the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center (KAPSARC), Accenture, the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (OIES), the Pacific International Center for High Technology Research Center (PICHTR), and the Brunei National Energy Research Institute (BNERI). Prior to joining IEEJ, he served at the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan where he held prominent positions namely Vice-Minister for International Affairs. Making good use of these experiences, he lectures about Energy Study as an Adjunctive Professor at National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies (GRIPS) in Tokyo. Panelists Mr. Adam SIEMINSKI President, KAPSARC, Saudi Arabia Former Administrator, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) Adam Sieminski is President of the King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center. KAPSARC is an independent, non-profit, research think tank located in Riyadh. Its mission is to advance the understanding of energy, economics, and the environment, acting as a catalyst for dialogue. Prior to joining KAPSARC, Mr. Sieminski held the James Schlesinger Chair for Energy and Geopolitics at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington. Sieminski served as Administrator of the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), the statistical and analytical division of the U.S. Department of Energy in 2012-2016. While awaiting U.S. Senate confirmation for the EIA appointment, he was the Senior Director for Energy and Environment of the U.S. National Security Council at the White House. He was previously Deutsche Bank’s chief energy economist and integrated oil company analyst. Mr. Sieminski is an active member of the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE), a Senior Fellow and former President of the U.S. Association for Energy Economics (USAEE), and was President of the National Association of Petroleum Investment Analysts. He holds the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation and earned both an undergraduate degree in civil engineering and a master&#39;s degree in public administration from Cornell University. Panelists Ms. KUDO Teiko Senior Managing Executive Officer, SMBC/SMFG, Japan 2009 General Manager, Environmental Products Dept., Structured Finance Dept., 2014 Executive Officer and General Manager, Growth Industry Cluster Dept. 2017 Managing Executive Officer, Deputy Head of Wholesale Banking Unit, Deputy Head of Financial Solutions Unit 2019 Managing Executive Officer, Head of Financial Solutions Unit, Deputy Head of International Banking Unit 2020 Senior Managing Executive Officer, Deputy Head of Wholesale Banking Unit, Head of Financial Solutions Division, Deputy Head of Corporate Advisory Division, Deputy Head of Global Banking Unit, SMBC Senior Managing Executive Officer, Deputy Head of Wholesale Business Unit, Deputy Head of Global Business Unit, Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. (SMFG) Panelists Mr. Julien PEREZ Vice President, Strategy & Policy of OGCI, France As Vice President Strategy & Policy of OGCI Climate Investments, Julien Perez is responsible for developing external policy views, coordinating commitments, managing relations with institutions and providing strategic direction to drive future investments. Previously, Julien was head of Climate & Energy Services at Ernst & Young where he assisted private and public players in setting up and implementing low-carbon strategies. Julien also worked at Total where he coordinated climate change actions and at Aecom managing environmental liabilities for various industries. Julien holds an Environmental Engineering degree from Agro ParisTech, an Energy and Climate Economics degree from Dauphine and an advanced degree in climate change management from Yale. Panelists Mr. MINAMI Ryo Director-General, Natural Resources and Fuel Department and Carbon Recycling Promotion Office, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE), METI, Japan Education: LL.B., the University of Tokyo (1990) LL. M., the University of Texas (1998) Job Experience: July, 2018 - present Director-General, Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI as well as Director of Carbon Recycling Promotion Office, since February 2019 July, 2015 - July, 2018 Director for Europe and Russia, Trade Policy Bureau, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) December, 2012 - July, 2015 Director, Oil and Gas Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI August, 2010 - December, 2012 Director, International Affairs Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI June, 2007 - August, 2010 Chief Representative, New York Office, Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI) June, 2005 - June, 2007 Deputy Director, Policy Coordination Division, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, METI June, 2002 - June, 2005 Director, Business Promotion Group, Underwriting Department, NEXI June, 2000 - June, 2002 Deputy Director, Export Division, International Trade Administration Bureau, METI (In January 2001, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry was reorganized as the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.) June, 1998 - June, 2000 Deputy Director, Business Promotion Division, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) September., 1996 - June, 1998 LL. M., Law School of The University of Texas April., 1990 Joined MITI [第2部]専門家パネルディスカッション [テーマ2]現実解としてのカーボンリサイクルの可能性 Moderator Mr. TOYODA Masakazu Chairperson & CEO, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ) Panelists Dr. WAKAYAMA Tatsuki Senior Coordinator, Principal Project Engineer (CCU), New Business Planning (NBP) Group, NBP Unit, Renewable Energy & Power Business Division, Reservoir Properties Group, Technical Research Center (TRC), Technical Division, INPEX Corporation 1994 Dept. of Industrial Chemistry, College of Industrial Technology, Nihon University as Research Associate 1996 Advanced Technology Laboratory, Kubota Corporation as Researcher 1996 Project Center for CO2 Fixation and Utilization by NEDO/MITI, RITE as Researcher 1999 Dept. of Biomolecular engineering, National Institute of Bioscience and Human-Technology, AIST/MITI as Researcher 2005 Global Environmental and Energy Technology Consulting Section, Technology Strategy Consulting Dept., KRI Inc. as Consultant 2010 NBP Group, NBP Unit, Corporate Strategy & Planning Division and Reservoir Properties Group, TRC, Technical Division, INPEX Corp. as Coordinator 2020 In the present Panelists Ms. Freya BURTON Chief Sustainability and People Officer, LanzaTech Inc., USA Freya joined LanzaTech in 2007 as a biologist and has worked in various roles throughout the company throughout its growth. Freya is deeply committed to LanzaTech’s mission of creating a carbon smart future and has spent many years working on energy and environmental policy in the US and Europe to support deployment of carbon recycling technologies. Together with LanzaTech, she was a founding member of below50, the low carbon fuels initiative of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and has served on the board of the Low Carbon Fuels Coalition. Freya oversees Government Relations, Communications and HR at LanzaTech. She holds an MA from Cambridge University. Panelists Mr. MIZUSHIMA Yoshiaki General Manager, Chugoku Electric Power Co.,INC. Japan Career: Jun 2020 General Manager of Renewable Energy Departments, Power Generation Division Oct 2017 General Manager of Hydropower Administration Group, Power Generation Division Feb 2014 General Manager of Power Management Office, Power System Division Jun 2010 General Manager of Planning Group, Power System Division Apr 1987 Joined Chugoku Electric Power Co.,INC. Education: Apr 1987 Graduated from Kyoto University (Civil Engineering) Panelists Dr. Sebastian SMIDT Director Corporate Technology, Circular Economy and Downstream Technologies, BASF SE Sebastian P. Smidt, Ph.D., is a Director Corporate Technology at the global chemical company BASF, located in Germany. Sebastian is responsible for Circular Economy and Downstream Technologies. With his team of senior corporate experts, he assesses and drives improvements of BASF’s downstream technologies. Sebastian enables the development of circular economy technologies for the transformation of the chemical industry and ensures their implementation at BASF. Sebastian has experience in a wide range of different responsibilities in BASF. He has started as an industrial research chemist, leading the process development of a blockbuster fungicide. After that, he had positions in fine chemicals production, product management, post-merger integrations and a corporate role in the economic evaluation of investment projects. Sebastian built and led a global team in corporate raw materials procurement for catalysts and battery materials. He then moved to the performance chemicals division, where he led the global sourcing and contract manufacturing activities. The foundation of his education is his Ph. D. in Organic Chemistry from Basel, Switzerland, specializing in homogeneous catalysis, followed by a post-doctoral scholarship at Caltech, Pasadena, California. クロージング Mr. ISHIZUKA Hiroaki Chairman, New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) Professional Experience: April 2018 Chairman New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) April 2017 Senior Corporate Advisor, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation April 2012 Member of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation April 2011 Member of the Board, Senior Managing Executive Officer, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation June 2009 Member of the Board, Managing Executive Officer, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation April 1972 Joined Mitsubishi Chemical Industries Limited (current Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation) Education: March 1972 Graduated from the University of Tokyo - the Faculty of Chemical Science プログレスレポート カーボンリサイクル 3C イニシアティブ プログレスレポート(1.7MB) Carbon Recycling 3C Initiative Progress Report(2.8MB) ムービー CARBON RECYCLING INNOVATION Message from VIPs ノルウェー 石油エネルギー大臣 Bru氏 カナダ 天然資源省 副大臣補 Drew Leyburne氏 東アジア・アセアン経済研究センター 西村事務総長 関連資料 カーボンリサイクル実証研究拠点の整備・運用及び実証研究に関する取り組みについて(1.9MB) Top サイト利用について プライバシーポリシー 情報公開 国立研究開発法人新エネルギー・産業技術総合開発機構 (法人番号 2020005008480)© New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization. All rights reserved.

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